Focus on Basics

Our vision is to have City Hall focus more on the basics – such as roads, infrastructure and public safety.

City government has become too bureaucratic, too costly and too ineffective in dealing with the critical needs of our community. One consequence of this lack of focus is that our streets, sidewalks and alleys are now in a state of disrepair.

The city’s decision to defer street maintenance has been costly to residents. Because it is far less expensive to keep a road in good condition than to repair it once it has deteriorated, the long-term impact of this neglect is to reduce the quality of other important services, such public safety.

To get back to the basics we need to thoughtfully weigh where it makes sense for City Hall to reform its wasteful practices; reduce excessive costs and improve the effectiveness of service delivery through contracting with private businesses and the non-profit sector.

In other words, we can achieve having a more effective government by reducing its size and scope.

If you share our vision, we want you to join us in Moving Oxnard Forward.


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